A stunning Norfolk property where beautiful period detail has been seemlessly blended with the very latest in eco technology – currently on the market with Websters of Norwich. With geothermal and air source heat pumps this impressive home should be relatively economical to heat, combine this with the extensive use of reclaimed materials and you can rest assured that your carbon footprint is smaller than most normal houses let alone £2m ones… enjoy the stunning views.
Stunning riverside thatch packed with energy saving technology and character
Stunning Victorian home in Little Waltham nr Chemlsford
It was a pleasure to photograph this unique family home with approx 7 acres of garden, meadow and paddock. Currently on the market with Fine.co.uk.
2 Midlington House, Droxford – for Fine.co.uk, dressing and staging by HomeTruths
Thanks to Jo @ The HomeTruths for the beautiful staging and preparation of this lovely home. Currently on the market with Fine.co.uk.
Setting the scene with a single photo
If they say that a picture tells a thousand words, then maybe elevated photographs tell a few more… with an elevated photo the viewer can in an instant get a feeling for the size of the house, its layout, setting and surroundings.

setting the scene with one shot
With my vehicle mounted 26m / 85ft mast system I can take elevated pictures in no time at all – and in winds that those with portable tripod systems wouldn’t even dare to consider. This shoot was done on Tuesday in windspeeds of around 25mph – not ideal but my equipment meant that we were able to make the best of a rare sunny day here in Norfolk.